Stabili-Teeth® Advantage
Same long-term reliability & long lasting stability as traditional implants at half the cost.
Stabili-Teeth® is an established, leading solution for missing teeth. It offers the same long-term reliability and long lasting stability as traditional implants at half the cost of a full-arch, fixed detachable option.
For the first time, many new and existing patients have the solution to a previous financially unattainable problem.
Stabili-Teeth® offers
key elements to patients, including:
The elimination of denture adhesive, missing teeth and expensive procedures, by offering an immediate and long-lasting stable prosthetic solution at less than half the cost of traditional implants!
Overall, Stabili-Teeth® has revolutionized how patients can receive an implant supported prostheses by providing 2 key differences:
Same-day stability and immediate functional and aesthetic results from the NDI and conventional implants on the day of surgery—enabling patients to walk out of our office with a full set of stable, functional teeth.
Engagement of all Dental implants after the 3 month healing process and insertion of the final prostheses ensuring continued stability and longevity among NDI implants and conventional-sized implants.
Note: Patient is never without stable teeth
Note: Patient is never without stable teeth

Interested in becoming a Stabili-Teeth® provider?
With a growing market of 65 million people who suffer from missing teeth, attaining a permanent solution continues with just one viable option the full-arch fixed detachable. Unfortunately, its high cost prohibits affordability for a large portion of the market. Adding Stabili-Teeth™ as a solution for any practice, opens an enormous revenue opportunity: by providing patients an attainable alternative.